Kindly Note : TestBag now has exclusive Microsite for Karnataka Examinations Authority Common Entrance Test (KEA CET) KCET Entrance Exams Online Preparation. Please click on for one stop on everything about KEA KCET UGCET Entrance Exams Pattern, Syllabus, Question bank & Online KEA KCET UGCET Mock Test Series.
The Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) is held on TWO days in FOUR different sessions for four subjects. On the first day, UGCET test will be conducted for Biology and Mathematics subjects in two sessions and on the next day test will be conducted for Physics and Chemistry subjects in two sessions Each UGCET paper will be conducted for 60 marks each with 80 minutes duration.(10 minutes for instruction fill up & 70 minutes for test)
Each UGCET question paper will be of (Objective) Multiple Choice types. The UGCET question paper in each subject will be in 16 different versions and each question will have four different options. Each UGCET question will carry ONE mark. The candidate is expected to attempt all the questions, in order to obtain maximum marks. In other words, there is no choice among questions.
The version code of the question paper will be boldly printed on facing sheet of the CET question paper. The version codes used in each paper will be from
A - 1 to A - 4, B - 1 to B - 4, C - 1 to C - 4 and D - 1 to D - 4. The version code of the question papers given to a student may be different OR may be the same for different sessions.
COMPULSORY: In all the four sessions, initial TEN minutes will be given for the candidates to write / shade the particulars such as Name, CET Number, Version Code and Serial number of the question booklet on the OMR answer sheets in the boxes provided.
A Brief on Karnataka Examinations Authority Common Entrance Test (KEA CET) KCET Entrance EXAM PATTERN is as under